
Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Weapon Tag

As you all know very well by now, procrastination is my bread and butter. I am extremely good at it (I really should go into it as a profession). However. I spend so much time honing this skill that it is sometimes at the cost of reading all your lovely blogs and tending to all your generous tags - for this, I apologize. To a few readers who are, no doubt, still await my long-overdue comment on some post or perhaps even my reading of a post, my most hearty apologies and assurances that I have not forgotten. And to all fellow bloggers who have tagged me... including Signor Doorman... I shall do my best... starting now.
I was tagged for this, The Weapon Tag, almost a month ago by The Doorman (whom I express great thanks to for the honor), who invented this tag for the purposes of (of course) general glorification of the Divine, general fun writing, and fellow dorks who enjoy strange and obscure tags. I am pleased to count myself as one of the latter party (though less skilled on this particular topic), and so thus respond.
The rules of the tag?

  • Use the picture provided by The Doorman on his original post or a similar picture of a sword
  • Thank the person who tagged you and provide a link to their post (above)
  • Answer the seven questions as best as you can
  • Tag three other bloggers, if possible
  • Close the post with some dedication to the King of kings
To satisfy the first rule, here is the original picture used, though I may be more inclined to use pictures as I go on.
Alright. Now, onto the questions... A quick warning, though, both to all readers and all those who are tagged at the end of this post - these are mostly very weapon-centric questions (as the tag implies), so don't expect to be able to answer them as well as the tag-maker if you are not a weapons person generally. I certainly wasn't (and am not)!
If you had to choose any one medieval weapon for combat, what would it be and why?
Hmm, probably a small bow of some sort. I like longbows better, but I am not terribly athletic and would probably not be able to lift the real McCoy like I am with modern longbows. As to why a bow at all... it's what I know how to use! And I would have a raised brow to anyone who would choose to defend themselves in combat with a weapon they didn't know how to use.
If you had to choose any one post-medieval weapon for combat, what would it be and why?
Again, I would prefer to go with a weapon I would know how to use - either a pistol or pepper spray. Both are easy to use and require relatively little strength.
If you had to choose to die from a blow/shot from some weapon or other, what would it be and why?
Ach, what a question! I suppose I shall answer a guillotine, as gruesome as the thought is, if only because it would be a more brief death. Though, if it were for some higher purpose, such as martyrdom, I suppose one can't be picky, and I would be quite happy with any death.
If you could design your own personal weapon (whether logical or not), what would it be like and how would it work? What would you call it?
Hmm... an interesting query... I suppose it would, again, have to be something requiring little physical strength, and preferably small and light to carry. It would probably be some sort-of long-range weapon as well, as that is my personal preference. Perhaps some sort-of lightened crossbow, though I have no idea what I should call it except perhaps some Norwegian name, perhaps, because those are generally good for weapons. Perhaps I should call it Thialfi's Bow, for the fleetness of the weapon.
If you were in a battle, what era of weapons would you desire most to be fighting with and why?
Well, as an at least attemptedly respectable and traditional female, I can safely tell you that I would not be in a battle unless my life or someone else's necessarily depended on it. If this circumstance did, perchance, come about, perhaps I would prefer to use Ancient Greek-age weapons such as those in the Iliad, if only because they are quite fascinating to me.
If you were to lead a charge, what would your battle cry be?
Well... to make an obscure reference, "Never heard of it!" would be my comical choice. On a more serious level, though, I see nothing wrong with the Christeros' "Viva Christo Rey!"
Is your preferred style of combat physical, conversational, or mental? Are you more prone to do one as to the other despite your preference?
My personal preference is probably mental, though, yes, I am much more prone, despite this preference, and sometimes because of it, to conversational combat.

That's all for the questions, but as to who is tagged...

  • Megan Chappie
  • Blue
  • Lia
Here is the list of questions for the tag:
If you had to choose any one medieval weapon for combat, what would it be and why?
If you had to choose any one post-medieval weapon for combat, what would it be and why?
If you had to choose to die from a blow/shot from some weapon or other, what would it be and why?
If you could design your own personal weapon (whether logical or not), what would it be like and how would it work? What would you call it?
If you were in a battle, what era of weapons would you desire most to be fighting with and why?
If you were to lead a charge, what would your battle cry be?
Is your preferred style of combat physical, conversational, or mental? Are you more prone to do one as to the other despite your preference?
(Note: I did change the wording of a couple of questions so as to avoid confusion - I encourage any bloggers doing the tag to look at the original questions in The Doorman's post so as to get context.)

And... as to the last rule, and to end this rather pathetic post...
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


  1. Oh I say! What an interesting tag! I am honored to have it bestowed upon me. *nods*

    But ah me, I shall have to do a week-long slew of tag posts at this rate. Procrastinators unite! (We should invent a procrastination tag. 'Twould be rather fun.)

    1. Si, certo - 'tis indeed! Though of course you are always welcome to any tag up here.

      Of course! (Haha, yes, except I think it would never end up getting done, lol...)

  2. Wow, what an interesting tag. And the guillotine is so freaky—there has to be a better, less traumatizing way to die. Lol.

    1. Yes, I know, but it was the best I could think of... By the bye, tag's yours if you so desire - I was running short of bloggers I could think of and knew I was forgetting someone.

  3. J+M+J
    Yay! You finally did it! Though, haha, I guess that means I better hurry up and respond to your tag too.... (Sorry!)

    And, yes, I agree: my knowledge and making of tags is rather pathetic! ;)

    Oh goodness!... I knew you'd think of some blazingly obvious weapon that I'd completely forgotten about such as the guillotine that would be better then mine.... *shakes head* Now how on earth did I forget that one??

    The Doorman.

    1. Haha, no sweat - we're all procrastinators here!

      What? No - that's not what I said!

      Hahahaha, Io non so...

  4. This is such a cool tag, I haven't seen one like it before! I'm sure it's great for procrastinating since you can research a lot for it... ;)

    1. Si, certo, it really is! But, yes, haha, absolutely brilliant for procrastinating on...

  5. Thanks for the tag! I think this one will be interesting.

    1. No problem - I'm eager to see your post! (Apologies for not dropping by much lately, bye the way - a bad school year has built bad habits, I'm afraid...)


For my lovely readers who wish to comment... I enjoy the comments you all put up, and your feedback and critique are always welcome! My requirements for commenters are fairly simple and easy: I will delete any and all comments of a derogatory, spam, trolling, or obscene nature. All other comments, as long as they are civil, are quite welcome. If you want my specific guidelines, feel free to ask. :)