(For a recapitulation of said rules, they are to link up your post here, so I can see it, give credit - using the picture, if wished - and answer the questions for one of your stories. Enough said.)
Anyways, let's get to it...
What is the title?
The title of this particular archive story of mine is Burn the Shakespeareans (and one of my much more better ones, if I do say so). I will explain that in a bit.
What is the genre? Time period?
The genre is a sort-of dystopian drama. I hesitate to use the word dystopian because of the implied sci-fi-esque setting and action and monsters and all that, but it fits in the very barest sense, of a vaguely post-disastrous, satirical, presumably future world setting. Which brings me to the time period - it is unspecified, to be gleaned by the keen reader or imagined by the insightful one. In my head, it looks rather like Lemony Snicket's stories - about 1930's-seeming, but modern.
How is it written (POV, main character, etc.)?
As usual with me, it's going to be third person limited. There are, however, a few main characters, as the story is split up between a few different trains of thought. When it's actually started, of course.
Very possibly America. That's really all I can say generally without giving away too much. The more specific setting is an old, abandoned theatre in a small, Catholic town, where a group of now-grown childhood schoolmates are attempting to revitalize their long-lost Shakespeare company and the world's love of beautiful things.
Who are the characters?
There are a lot of main characters, but the one I'm most tempted to call the protagonists is
Justine Kendall, the usual leading lady of a resurfaced childhood Shakespearean troupe. She was always the leading lady in the old troupe too. Troubled, doubtful, and newly expectant on top of it all, she's undecided about the troupe's rebirth, and is unsure whether to even take part. She is partly the coordinator of the troupe, along with her husband,
Stefan Locke, one of the leading men of the troupe. A strong man, very confident in his faith and in his wife, and definitely the pillar holding the troupe up. He used to be an assistant director when the childhood troupe was around, and it was mostly his idea to try and bring it back.
Drew Kendall is Justine's wayward younger brother. Originally uninvited, he showed up to see Justine and stuck around for kicks. He's a long fallen-away family member, and rather a black sheep of the town after leaving it for the world. He was never a consistent part of the original troupe either, but he wants Justine to pull strings and get him a job doing leading roles. Needless to say, he's a bit of a crack in the glass of old childhood friendships.

Benedicta, or Bena Staunton is Justine's best friend, and one of the most faithful old returning members of the troupe. She's one of the only ones who's really kept things together in the town this whole time, and so she's wary of anything that might cause a new split, for more reason than one. She's supporting a few family members single-handedly, and is constantly in fear of going blind, a process already started, as it would lose for her any ability to provide, work, or help herself.
Elliott Scott is another returning member, mostly for chorus and small parts. He's also stayed in the town most of the time, but only after having an, um, unpleasant experience outside. He believes the troupe is doomed to fail. He is deadly afraid of the outside world, and what may happen if their endeavor to bring the Bard back succeeds.

Charles Fawkes, or just Fawkes is the old troupe's leading man, returned mostly at Stefan's request and to help get everybody's lives back together. He left the town, but he's got a good head on his shoulders, and thinks the world of the troupe, particularly a certain
Tristan Leare is the only new member joining the troupe. He is a slight older than the rest of them, and moved to the town as a young man just as their childhood troupe was performing its last play. He's been gone for years, and has come back seemingly just to lose himself in the beauty of the stage. No one knows too much about him, but town rumors say he's a foreign fugitive.
What does the plot consist of?
There are many plots, not one. The main event tying everything together is the effort to bring back the art of the stage to the town and the country by rebirthing the Shakespearean troupe, but lots of little subplots will litter the story, including some of the ones hinted at in the character descriptions. And, obviously, it will get more intense than that, and there will be some fire and burning because why else would I name it Burn the Shakespeareans...? But I'm not going to say too much about that part because I don't want to give spoilers.

What gave you the idea?
Mostly, the title. I always kind-of wanted to write a drama/dystopian sort-of thing, and had sketched out some random character and plot ideas, so I grafted the spur-of-the-moment title onto the sketches, and it fit like a jigsaw puzzle. Also, my sister. That was the first title I'd ever thought up that she agreed was any good, so I had to use it.
Who are the favorite characters so far?
None really, since it's not been written and therefore not read.
What is the favorite scene so far?
Again, none yet.
Any drawings?
Not at the moment, unfortunately.
Any themes of music for this work?
Eh, sort-of. It's complicated. But one song that definitely has recurred in threads of the plot is Saint-Saens' "The Swan."
Any snippets?
Nope, not yet.
Strong point in story?
The imagery is going to come through very strongly, I think. The few draft scenes I've written and the theme elements I'm playing with have so far been very successful as far as painting a picture of the story go.
Weak point in story?
Well, for one thing, it's not written yet. Also, I think that getting some of the characters through correctly without sidetracking the story is going to be challenging. Also, I have a sinking feeling that Elliott is just a plagiarized Harry Beaton from Brigadoon...
What are your plans for it?
To write it, once I get a couple more current WIPs finished.
Any particular writing habits for it?
I'll let you know when I start writing it...
If it were made into a movie, what would be your ideal cast for it?
Hmm, way too far ahead... I'm not sure I have any solid cast choices at the moment, unfortunately.
Well, that's all for now, folks. Hope you enjoyed the post, and that you'll follow up with your own - I'll be checking the comment box here for links, and awaiting some splendid story info. For now, though, I shall sign off, and wish you all a good evening.