
Monday, October 29, 2018

I Did It!!!!!

Tutti! Fine - finalmente! To all my lovely readers who are ever-patient with me, and are humoring me in my rants - I finally finished a book!!!
And now? I AM GOING TO TELL EVERYONE!!!!! What book? When? Why'd it take so long? Answers, answers. First of all, I would like to thank everybody for being patient with my horrendously long hiatus. Secondly, I would like to thank everybody for being patient with all my sporadic ranting. And finally, I'd like to thank you all for reading. Without  readers, there's no way this story would have ever gotten this far, especially this soon. Because the story is one that you've all helped on, with your amazing commentary, critique, and just general encouragement - I finished The Pain of a Memory. Granted, from about the climax up until the end, I only wrote the barest bones of the events in, and I will have to edit and rewrite for ages to ever get it polished. But that's the next step. For now, all I can say is thanks to everyone who read any part of this story, or even this blog - your support wrote this book! And now - I am going to go and faint from writing/ranting exhaustion! ;P


  1. Yaaaaayyyyy!!!! Cue the music! Sound the fanfare!!! Get out the champagne!!!! (well I mean not literally since, y'know, I'm underage and all that...) This calls for a celebration! *quickly summons all her characters to attend the party*

    I'm so proud of you, Belle!! Congratulations!!!!

    (And I'm so glad to see you back from hiatus.) :)

    1. Haha, well I'm underage too, so how's about we break out some ginger ale. ;)

      Thanks! I'm glad to be back! I may be having to work a lot on it, but it's nice to even be kind-of finished with something after three years with this story.

    2. Ooh ginger ale even better!

      Oh, I know the feeling! Writing "The End" is such a satisfying feeling, even when there's work still to be done. And the first draft is such a crucial thing! This is so wonderful!! *does cartwheels*

    3. Si - splendida!

      Definitely! I can't say that anything has satisfied me more in ages. Once I get some more work in on the rough parts and - like I said - flesh them out a bit more, I'll be looking for beta readers (which is the fun part, so hopefully this current step doesn't take too long as it promises to!).

  2. THAT IS LIKE BEYOND EXCITING! Now that you have one book under your belt the rest will flow like . . . (my words just left me). Hahaha ;p

    your title is amazing. If you ever want beta readers I'd love to give your book a try :)

    1. Yaaaaaas - I know! I can't even contain myself. I'm pretty sure my best friend thinks I'm crazy now because of psycho e-mails of excitement. :P

      Thanks! I don't think it's at the level where I'm giving it out to beta readers yet (Heaven forbid they see my uncouth writing, haha), but I'll keep that in mind, and I'll keep posting chapters on here as before. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. YEAH!!!! *Jumps up and down. Throws confetti in the air* I'm so happy for you!!!! It's such a wonderful feeling:) I hope you treat yourself to something special - ice cream, milkshake, chocolate, buy a new book - just something to celebrate this special occasion:)

    1. Thank you so much! You guys have all been golden in this process! And, haha, if I get the chance, I will - I just wish I could buy one for all of you!

  4. *screaming* Congratulations Belle, that is SO EXCITING!!! Definitely looking forward to beta reading, if it's open!

    (Will be writing more of White Rose during NaNo!!!)


    1. Thanks! Like I said, I'm not letting it out *just* yet, but I will be looking around for beta readers soon.

      Splendida! Can't wait to read some!

  5. Yaaaaaaaay!!!! You're back!!! Can't wait to hear more about your book!!!


    1. Thanks, Lilah! It's nice to be back! And thanks for waiting!


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