
Monday, August 5, 2019

The Voted Most Likely Tag

Buona sera, mi amici. After yet another procrastination hiatus, I bring a tag from Catherine. This particular tag goes by the name of the Voted Most Likely Tag (which is a cool name, by the bye), and concerns making strange and rather hilarious awards to your characters for their quirks.
Now, the rules...
1. Thank the blogger who tagged you.
2. Include this link:
3. Use your own original characters, not anyone else's.
4. Tag at least five people.
To attend to the first rule, thanks for the tag, Catherine! It looks wonderful, and I shall most certainly enjoy doing it. (And I strongly encourage my readers to look at Catherine's post, as she has many and lovely characters, which suits the tag well.)
As I already followed rule numero due, and fully intend to follow numero tre, I shall proceed to the meat of the tag.

-Most likely to be a poet-
Hmm. Probably Celeise from Alomina, as she enjoys reading poetry so much. She has very little of a poet's spirit, however, so I shall say Alagna from my book, The Clarion Call (previously Alagna), as she most certainly has the temperamental soul of an artist in addition to a love of poetry. 

-Most likely to dance in the rain-
The most likely of my character to dance in the rain are the most likely of my characters to dance anywhere, but that setting would suit them just fine - Amy and Alejandro from A Broadway Waltz love dancing, and would do it just about anywhere, on any occasion, if they had any motivation in the least to do so. 
-Most likely to look good in a kilt-
Hahahaha...I love this question. Although, unlike most people, I think that kilts look wonderful - call me strange if you will - so that would apply to most of my characters in my view. However, to be fair, the character who would probably look best in a kilt is Ian Dunborough from In Greater Hands (he used to be called Ciaran), as he probably does wear one often.

-Most likely to get punched in the face-
Yep... that would be Ned Norster from All's Fair!. In fact, almost every time he's been in the interview room (for a theoretical character party with friends or something of the like), he has gotten unwittingly into a fist fight.

-Most likely to drop everything and become a sheep-herder-
Isn't the word shepherd...? Anywho... this one would go to Vic Vance from In Greater Hands, as he not only loves his own silence, but loves to do odd and unexpected things... like running off and becoming a sheep-herder...
-Most likely to be found in the library-
I may have to tie this one between Blakely from The Clarion Call and Tsonja Ristoff from In Greater Hands - both are determined bookworms, and both spend probably more time than is decent in the library.

-Most likely to sleep through an earthquake-
As all his pals most thoroughly enjoy teasing him, Freddie from The Top-Hat Gang could probably sleep through anything. This talent of his is undoubtedly derived from growing up in a house with seven sisters...
-Most likely to steal food from other people's plates-
That one goes to Francis and Edmond from The Clarion Call. Those two would do just about anything, particularly if their brother, Blakely was the butt end of the joke. They've "stolen" food from their own kitchens before, so someone's plate isn't that far of a stretch.

-Most likely to cheat on a test-
Eh... Do villains count...? Because, if so, DeClouve from The Treasure of the Twin Temples would undoubtedly do so, were he in some position where he had to take a test. If not, then I'm not sure I have any characters who would do that... Irv from All's Fair! probably would have in his younger days, for sure, the rascal, but he probably wouldn't within the time frame of the story.

-Most likely to say "Oops" after setting something on fire-
This is exactly like something Alexander from The Clarion Call would do. In fact, if he ever set something on fire, those would probably be his first words.
-Most likely to open an orphanage-
I have a couple characters who would do this, but Melody from All's Fair! would probably be the first to do so. If she ever stopped having something to do for people, she'd probably just break down and become a lost cause - the only thing helping her with her background trauma in the story is being able to perform for the troops on the Front.

-Most likely to run off with the circus-
This is probably the easiest one of all - Ettiano Travista from The Harlequin Sleuth. Why is he so easily most likely to run away with the circus...? Well, because he did run away with the circus!

-Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse-
That one would be easily Vance again, but, as I've already picked him for one, I shall select the next most likely. So, in that case, it would probably be Owain from The Second Brother - he's far too practical to let a zombie apocalypse get in the way.
-Most likely to fake their own death-
Hmm... It's a good thing Vance is already disqualified, because he'd take this one as well (as he most certainly has faked his own death a couple times). The next most likely to do so would be Rogan from The Pain of a Memory, I believe. In the beginning of the book, he's far too eager to get away from a few things to be scrupulous about a thing like faking his death - not to mention he's a villain, so he has a few less scruples anyways.

-Most likely to die and haunt their friends-
I'm gonna have to give this last award to pre-story Lucyth from The Second Brother - not only because she's probably one of my only characters who actually could become a ghost, but also because she has rather a bone to pick with some of her friends... 

Well, that wraps up the tag, unfortunately. It was a lot of fun, and I'm very grateful to Catherine for tagging me! As for who I tag, unfortunately, most of the bloggers I know have already been tagged or done it. So a couple of these people will be re-tags.
  • The Doorman
  • Megan Chappie
  • Lilah the Singing Writer
  • Blue
  • Sarah Seele
  • Anybody else in the audience who finds the tag alluring!
And with that, I leave you. God bless, good evening, and I shall await your own lovely posts with the tag!


  1. Thanks for the tag!
    This one has some entertaining scenarios. I'm going to have fun with this poor characters.

    You had a character that actually ran away and joined a circus? Also, I imagine a kilt would indeed suit a character by the name of Ian.

    1. You're welcome!
      Indeed - it's quite a delightful little tag, to be sure. But, yes, haha, characters may suffer...

      Yes, Ettiano ran away and joined the circus because he did not enjoy life in the cities with all the criminals and such. Haha, yes...

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. AMY AND ALEJANDRO MY BABIES. I miss them. *sniffles* This post made me super nostalgic for ALL your characters. All's Fair. *contented sigh* It sounds like there have been some developments on that front since last I checked in on it long ago, eh? Melody sounds super sweet and interesting...

    My golly. I never thought of Ronan as someone who would fake his own death but that would TOTALLY work. *blinks*

    If Owain would survive the zombie apocalypse he has every right to survive his story. Just sayin'. ;)

    And I love Vance. So much. <3 <3 <3

    (Thanks for the tag!! It's been sitting in my drafts winking at me to get around to it, and this is nice motivation. :) Lovely post, my dear!)

    1. Haha, I miss 'em too - I've been spending so much time on Owain and Gianni that the dancing duo have been a bit neglected, unfortunately.
      Yes, most certainly! Melody didn't really exist as a character back when you were reading/hearing about All's Fair!, except as a nameless singer girl. You would probably like her.


      Hahaha... I'll consider it.

      Si, me too. ;)

      (You're welcome! And thanks!)

  3. J+M+J
    Hmm, well, you're not as much of a procrastinator as me... at least this time that is. I still have a couple posts to get out before I can even start on the tag... sorry, I'll try and 'urry it up! Thanks for the retag! :)

    Oh, what's that pic at the top? Is that of a random mix of your characters? Is it the ones you named? Or is it neither?

    Haha... Owain?! In with Zombies...??! What are you thinking?? Okay okay, I suppose its alright, because you left Feo alone... *sighs with relief* Just don't touch Feo and it's fine! (Or his sister, for that matter) ;)

    And really miss, you really should give Rogan more credit then that! He's not just *a* villain, as in a common villain, he's the most respectable villain 'round town!

    The Doorman.

    1. Haha, well, you have been gone also.

      Yes - haha, that is something I did for fun awhile back. It's a group pic of me with a few of my characters. :) They are mostly characters that you would not know (though some of them were in the post).

      Haha... Of course...! You know how much I like to bother Owain…! ;) But Feo would probably survive a zombie apocalypse as well - he is a resourceful chap.

      True - Rogan is *the* villain, not *a* villain.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. (Not to butt into a conversation or anything, but I'm so happy I have an ally on the Save-the-Feo front. You see, Ms. Belle Anne, we are a rather formidable political group.)

    3. *shakes head* You, Miss Megs, are impossible... (Actually, you're one of the best readers a person could have. But you know I must put up a fight.)

    4. J+M+J
      Whoaw, you mean I'm not the only Feo-liker? I have an ally?? ¡Hurra! ¡Hurra parra Feo! I'm gratified to know as well Megan...

      The Doorman.

    5. Haha... You know, one of these days, Feo needs to die just so I can see the chemical reaction...

  4. Your characters sound like the best. And one actually did run off and join the circus? XD That's great.

    Thanks so much for the tag, by the way! This looks like a lot of fun. In fact, I think I remember seeing this on Phoebe's blog way back when she invented it, and thinking it looked fun, and now things have come full circle and I've been officially tagged, which makes me happy! ^.^

    1. Haha, thanks!

      No problem! And, yep - it's definitely a lot of fun! Hope you like it!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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