
Friday, January 26, 2018

Far, Far Away - A Song

This is my first time ever posting one of my songs. They aren't what most people would like, so I've never really been brave enough to do anything but talk about posting them before. But I'm still not. I would like to take this moment, before I post the song lyrics, to give the source of this. Another blogger - someone whose blog title could've told me that she was a fellow out there somewhere - started a while back posting her own songs. She wrote them, and yet still let them out, and to her I am very grateful. Thank you, Lilah, the Singing Writer, for paving the way! And thank you for all the beautiful songs you wrote - I've loved the ones I've read, and I hope that a stranger like me won't embarrass you in saying thank you so very distantly. And this song is also in thank you to everyone who has ever helped me out with my music - my friend in VA, my aunt, and my wonderful music teacher who has taught me so much. And also, if he is listening, which I doubt, a bright-haired, brown-eyed little rascally boy who has so reluctantly inspired many an idea for me. :)
Verse 1

When I close my eyes, I see it clear as day,
And when the sunlight dies, the dream is there to stay -
I only know
Somehow, it's there,
I only know
It's waiting for me somewhere.


Far, Far Away,
Beyond what I can see,
I know my home
Is waiting there for me -
Someday I'll go back,
Chasing the running day,
But for a little while,
I'm far, far away.

Verse 2

I see the golden smile
That now lights a known face,
And after this small while,
That smile my hand will trace-
I only know
I love the sight so well,
I only long
For it more than I can tell.
-To Refrain-

I promise you, never
Will my thoughts be severed
From my love so far away,
But promise me too, home,
That you'll stay my true home
Until this earth's last day.

Far, far away,
Beyond what I can see,
I know my home
Is waiting there for me -
Someday I'll be back,
Though my heart always did stay -
And then I'll never leave
To far, so far away.


  1. GASP!!!


    Seriously, I have no words....*deep sigh of contentment*


    1. Aww, thanks! It was half-supposed to be a reminder to me (I live in the South presently, but I'm a Yankee by birth, so I'm not at my ideal home), and half a reminder of Echo and his homes he's left behind him. But, seriously, thank Lilah - never would've posted it without her!

    2. I love that you made it a blend of personal and fictional - it gives it a lot of depth!

      You have no idea how proud I am of my lil adopted sis :) She was terrified on sharing hers out there too. (Yes, I know Lilah IRL - we're really close friends that call each other sister).

      *high fives fellow Yankee*

    3. Thanks! I... tend to do that by accident with songs... :P
      Yes! I am very grateful to Lilah, really, and she's a cool lady to have as an adopted sis! ;)

  2. ALKSDJLAKSJFLASJLKFJASLJFLKLJFDLKSD YOUR SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! I'm glad I inspired you to share your songs. You truly have a gift :)


    1. Thank you so much, Lilah! And I only hope that someday the songs on here will be as nice and tidy as your beautiful works. :)

    2. You're welcome, but I really mean it! :)

  3. Oh Belle it's beautiful! Beautiful! I love it so very much! I thought of Echo right away when I was reading it. And of course it's even more perfect that there's that personal meaning. Thank you so much for posting!

    1. Yay! That was partially my intent writing it anyways. :)
      Thanks, Megs!
      Btw, absolutely loved your newest post - pure genius! :D


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