Alagna's bio can be found
here. The introduction to her story can be found
here. The questions were given at this post
here. I hope you enjoy it! :)
Me. *enters interview room and turns to Alagna* Alagna, can I ask you some questions today?
Alagna. *raises brow in question* Ask
me questions?
Me. *nods* For an interview.
Alagna. *frowns slightly* Yes. But please keep it quick, there are things I would like to do.
Me. *dryly* Like sneaking around ballrooms, spying on people, and other general nosiness and
Alagna. *blushes slightly, but ignores it* No. Like finding that man in the mask.
Me. Yes, so exactly what I said.
Alagna. No, this is -
Me. How's about we get on with the questions, Alagna? These first ones are from Mary Katherine.
Firstly, what is your favorite dessert?
Alagna. I don't know. Something rich and chocolate. Something elegant or difficult.
Me. So... maybe red velvet cake...?
Alagna. *nods slightly in approval* Yes.
Me. Now, if you lived in current times, what movie or musical would you enjoy? Hmm. Actually, I may have to answer this one, as you have no idea what I'm even talking about.
Alagna. What
are you talking about..?
Me. Never you mind. They're a form of music or entertainment we enjoy nowadays... sort-of. But I think you would probably enjoy ones with more rich, classical entrenchment. Probably would enjoy
The Phantom of the Opera as far as musicals go... at least until you heard the plot. As for movies, you'd probably like
Gone With The Wind... again, excepting the plot. Basically just things that are particularly rich in culture. I think your favorite movies, though, would probably be mystery movies, oddly enough. You like figuring things out and being nosy so much, you'd probably love them. You'd probably like Miss Marple.
Alagna. *lightly* I still have no notion of what those are.
Me. *shakes head* Ask Amy and Alejandro sometime, they're always bringing movies with them in here. Anyways, though, what's your favorite color?
Alagna. To wear or at all?
Me. Um, both, I guess.
Alagna. To wear, gold. At all, claret red. *frowns slightly* I would wear it as much as gold, but... *glances disapprovingly at her hair*
Me. Well, I'm not changing it, if that's what you're implying. Come on, you're my only even relatively red-headed heroine. Definitely not changing it.
Alagna. *smooths skirts nonchalantly* I wasn't asking it. But you may go on with the questions.
Me. Alright, do you have any hobbies?
Alagna. *inclines head* I do. I play the harpsichord, lyre, harp, organ, and I sing.
Me. So mostly music.
Alagna. Yes. Mostly music, but I also read a bit.
Me. Alright, these are from Blue. What's your earliest childhood memory?
Alagna. *cocks head* I think when I went to the palace as a little girl, for a party my parents were going to. I was, I don't know, perhaps four years of age? But I spoke with Blakely and his brothers there, and I remember it distinctly because Francis was following their mother around, wanting to hold baby Edmond. *smiles* I don't think those two have ever tolerated being parted. *laughs* Even my earliest memories are of balls and grandeur, it seems! I'm afraid I know very little of any other world.
Me. Well... you will... *clears throat* Anyways, what is your most prized possession?
Alagna. Easily spoken. A book of songs and old ballads that Blakely gifted to me for my last birthday. It is old, but I love the old songs. They are so - I don't know - they just have a beauty, and a mystery to them like nothing else I know... *laughs a little* But they're old enough that I can scarcely read the music to sing them!
Me. Do you have any unusual talents?
Alagna. *raises eyebrow and cocks head* Unusual, I'm not sure. I play, and sing, but as do most ladies of the court. I read, but as do most of the intelligent ladies of the court. Well, I like keeping house, which is something most ladies of any court would scoff at. *straightens* But I scoff at them for not acting like women. I would like to think I'm good at housekeeping, but my servants always seem to somehow do it far better than I whenever they do it.
Me. *rolls eyes* I can think of one. How about nosing into other people's business? You're an expert at that...
Alagna. *blushes again ever-so-slightly* Well, I try not to be - but, well, *indignantly* the masked man was important! In the library, he had -
Me. Yes, I know what he had. *sighs exasperatedly* You are a terrible busybody. But, if you weren't, then a lot of people would probably be dead, so whatever. *shakes head* Now, what is your deepest fear?
Alagna. *looks away* I... I don't think I have one.
Me. *nods sarcastically* Of course not. If you don't answer on your own, you know I can make you, so you might as well.
Alagna. *bites lip* Well, I really don't know... I have a sinking feeling inside of me sometimes, and... I don't know what it means, I really don't... I don't know
what I'm afraid of.
Me. *plainly* I do. Love perhaps...?
Alagna. *sweeps hands out* Of course not - I have suitors, and I have never shied from any of them. And I see men in court all the time, and I never shy from deflecting them from me if I don't want their attentions. I'm not afraid of men. Or love. *nods decisively, as though to assure herself*
Me. *shakes head* Alagna, Alagna... Now, what is your deepest desire?
Alagna. I don't really know that either... *puts hands up frustratedly, biting lip* I suppose I'm not much help answering these - but maybe people should ask simpler questions! And mind their own business, for Heaven's sake.
Me. You are such a hypocrite, Alagna! And I think I know what this one is too... in fact, I think it's the same answer.
Alagna. *straightens* It is not. I have never desired any affections, though get them I may. I never even think about it.
Me. Ugh, Alagna! You don't have to think about something to be afraid of it, or to want it. In fact, your not thinking about it, I think makes it all the more unexpected and unfamiliar.
Alagna. *waves hand flippantly* Next question, perhaps?
Me. Would you sacrifice that desire to prevent that fear?
Alagna. *gasps frustratedly* According to you, they're one and the same! Which makes it a logical impossibility, doesn't it? Next question, please.
Me. Fine, fine. Here's the last of Blue's questions. Would you be the type to throw a cream pie in someone's face?
Alagna. *expression lightens to a coy smile* This question I can answer easily - certainly! I must say it's an odd idea to throw a pie in someone's face, but it sounds like something Francis and Edmond though up... which makes it rather delightful to think of! *laughs* I can just imagine doing it, too...
Me. *laughs* Yeah - strangely enough, so can I. Alright, now these questions are from Catherine Hawthorn. Who or what is your greatest enemy?
Alagna. *frowns slightly* I don't really have any enemies. I don't think there's really anyone I know that comes to mind that I can't at least mostly tolerate, and can't at least mostly tolerate me. But the masked man... if he is truly as dangerous as he bodes to be, then I and the whole country may have an enemy in him.
Me. What is your greatest talent?
Alagna. Playing or singing. Not sure which. Perhaps playing my harpsichord.
Me. What is your favorite flower?
Alagna. A white camellia. It's the most elegant flower I can think of, and I like wearing it in my gowns and hair at balls.
Me. Alright, what's your favorite gown or other piece of clothing?
Alagna. *frowns disapprovingly*
That is a rather indelicate question.
Me. Come on, Alagna. In your times it might be, but not in mine, and not in your interviewers'. Please answer.
Alagna. *nods slightly* Then my gold gown, the one -
Me. *nods* Yep. I know the one. The one you're wearing when the story begins - big, billowing skirt, sparkling spectacle, low enough neckline for you to have your bit of jewelry and your hair trailing down your neck. Your preferred genre of ball gown, yes?
Alagna. *smiles reminiscently* Yes, most surely.
Me. Alright, these questions are from Hope. How would you describe yourself?
Alagna. *cocks head coquettishly* 'Spoiled', perhaps - 'elegant'? I think, actually, 'charmed' would be the word. A spoiled girl who loves elegance and has a charmed life that she's rather attached to.
Me. *nods* That sounds about right. Now, what do you like to do that most people would think was odd?
Alagna. Well, like I said before, keeping house. I pleasure in doing it, unlike most nobles. And most women of court would think me odd - if they didn't already for my leaving home before being married.
Me. Which you did exactly for that purpose.
Alagna. *sweeps hands lightly* I didn't do it because I wanted to prove a point - I did it because it sounded nice. I cannot really keep house for my parents - what an odd notion - and I cannot really have my own estates while living in someone else's.
Me. *shakes head* Alagna... Anyways, if you could be any animal, which would it be?
Alagna. *cocks head* A fox, I think. I like them, and they are rather intriguing creatures.
Me. *rolls eyes* Intriguing creatures that just happen to be like you in animal form? Red-colored fur, slender and sleek, nosy, and always sticking themselves in business that doesn't belong to them. Really, Alagna?
Alagna. I never really thought about it that way, I just always liked them!
Me. *shakes head again* Whatever. What is your deepest, darkest secret?
Alagna. *smooths skirts rather irritatedly* I think these people are getting a bit too prying.
Me. Just answer the question, Alagna, eesh.
Alagna. I don't know. Perhaps... perhaps that I really actually do care what other people think, and do care for simplicity, and really wouldn't mind a simpler life. But I doubt that anyone else shall ever know it.
Me. I don't think that's it, but fine. Close enough. The next questions are from Megan - you remember her, right? She was the one that interviewed Edmond a while back... I think...
Alagna. Yes, I think I remember that time.
Patrizio Buanne of the very, very blue eyes. :) |
Me. Yeah. Well, anyways, her first question is what do you find more handsome, brown eyes or blue eyes?
Alagna. *frowns* This is
another attempt to try and - ! *throws up hands irritatedly* Ugh. Brown, if she must have an answer!
Me. *raises brow sternly*
Alagna. *gasps frustratedly* Fine! Blue, then.
Me. *nods, satisfied* I know. Now, are you practical, or a dreamer?
Alagna. Probably a bit of both. Perhaps slightly more on the practical side - I'm perfectly content where I am, so no need for dreams. However, that could also be because every dream of mine that comes to mind I already have.
Me. So you think... Alright, last question. Would you rather live a long and unremarkable life, or a short one filled with glory?
Alagna. *cocks head thoughtfully* I think the former suits me. I am rather unremarkable in my present state, and would be content to live forever in it, so that logically points out the answer for me. Is that all?
Me. *nods* Thanks for your, uh, attempt at cooperation.
Alagna. *flicks hand up dismissively* I wasn't even attempting. Farewell.
Me. *shakes head* Farewell, Alagna.
End Interview.
What did you think? Did you like Alagna? Is she difficult or what...? Ugh... some characters... Anyways, though, the candidates for the next interview are these:
Prince Francis and/or (depending on common vote of joint or separate interviewing for them) Prince Edmonde, Alagna's close friend(s), and Blakely's younger brother(s).
Vote in the comments, and I'll post a bio for whoever gets the most votes in a little while. :)