
Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Spring Cleaning Tag

Well. If I do say so myself, this post has come before procrastination (sorta). That's nice timing... for me, at least. Particularly when you are beta reading three novels and a short story or two, still doing schoolwork, attempting to learn a Tchaikovsky piece, and speaking about yourself in two different tenses all at the same time. Phew. But... apparently, I still have time for spring cleaning. Not room, house, or kitchen spring cleaning, mind you, but a writer's spring cleaning (what writer has time to clean their whole house?!). So, without further ado, I give you the rules for The Spring Cleaning Tag, which I picked up from Megan Chappie, here. (Grazie, Megs!)

  • Link back to the person who tagged you. (Check!)
  • Include the graphic. (Eh... I'll get to that in a moment.)
  • Answer the questions.
  • Tag three other people. (I shall do my best!)

At any rate, to satisfy rule #2, here is that graphic.

Dust Bunnies and Plot Bunnies:Reorganize Your Writing Goals (Or Make New Ones)

Hmm. Well, my three big plans for this year (writing-wise, of course) are probably as follows:
  1. Finish The Second Brother above anything else, and start that sequel because I can't live too much longer without it.
  2. Finish typing up all of In Greater Hands and thereby determine whether it is finished or not.
  3. Finally work some more on that coauthored book of mine...
Goal #1 is the big one. Unfortunately... I'm already kind-of sick of the book from Camp NaNo. But I'll finish it still - just watch. (At least, I hope I will...) As for typing things up, I am terrible about it. If I meet the other two goals, it will probably be only because I ditched another previous goal of restarting/rebooting Alomina this year - it's just way too big of a project for right now.

Which Stage Are You At? Expound!

Er, haha... Well... I kinda liked Megan's answer to this one... I'm about in the same place in writing overall - satisfied for the moment, but maybe not completely, 100% finished. For my main project of the year, however, I am right about to run into the climax - my favorite and least favorite part of the story. I only wish that Camp had gotten me into it, though - stopping right before the climax is really a terrible place to stop...

Anyhow. For the most part, I still have a good amount of writing to do - TSB still will need completed and its massive editing notes implemented, IGH will still need typed up as it is only about halfway to three-quarters of the way there at this point, and I have not even started writing that coauthored book since the last time (which was last summer, I believe... oops.)

Treasure From the Back of the Closet (Share One to Three Snippets You Love).

Ooh, goodie! Well, here are some minor samples from this year's work, including some pieces from the final work on Draft #3 of The Pain of a Memory...
From TPoaM...
"Perhaps not." Echo stood and bowed to her reverently, his head hung slightly. "I must only apologize to you, My Lady, for having failed my mission." His gray eyes shone in an almost sad, familiar way, and he left.
            Those eyes... that gaze... those words... Anwynne blinked in surprise and stood up. She went to follow Echo. "Wait!"
From In Greater Hands...
"I'm already there - I can hold it, just get out of here and get the code out of here." Vance's voice was calm, but not completely steady. "The grate's not just going to fall down right this second - go on, make sure Sam's alright."
            Leta's eyes flew down the hill to the scaffolding where the grate was. A tiny, tall silhouette was just barely visible within the shadowy control room even as the scaffolding trembled, threatening to fall. Vance.
And, finally, from The Second Brother...

Suddenly, a yell came from Owain's side. Feo tumbled off of his horse sideways and into Owain. Owain halted abruptly, flagging down the triplets. He scrutinized Feo bewilderedly.
            Feo looked up, wincing, his left shoulder pad torn, his left shoulder beneath it bleeding slightly and the left side of his neck bruised as though something massive had hit it, though nothing except perhaps smoke seemed to be there now. He breathed hard and swallowed painfully, his evergreen eyes flashing with urgency. He managed to just barely spit out one word as he rose with difficulty - "Silverwolves...!"
Bonus! Do Some Actual Spring Cleaning Of Your Writer Shelf! (And Share a Picture!)
Eh, hehe, it took me a while, but here's a pic of my spring-cleaned writer shelf... (one of them, anyways)

And that wraps the tag up for now! For the three other people, I tag... um... Lia@The Singing Writer, The Doorman@The Lord, His Lady, and Their Doorman, and Catherine Hawthorn@The Rebelling Muse.
What did you think? Have you done this tag yet? Have you done any spring cleaning...? How have/have your writer goals changed this year? Chat with me!


  1. Love your shelf! My writing this year has been productful, but ever so exhausting ;D

    1. Thanks - it's taken a while to put it together!
      Well, productive and exhausting is better than restful and lazy, right?
      Would you like to pick this one up since Catherine's already done it? If you have any interest at all, consider yourself tagged. :)

  2. I did this tag already, so I'm probably going to skip this one dear friend. I doubt much has really changed since I did it last spring, LOL.

    I love your snippets though, and your bookshelf is a-mazing :)

  3. J+M+J
    Yes, indeed, I hope your goals go as planned!
    Oh bother, I have to do spring cleaning...?!
    *looks around hopelessly*
    I'll try my best....

    The Doorman.

    1. Thanks - as do I...
      Hahaha, yep, so hop to it!


    Your writing shelf is lovely indeed. And oh I say...if you can't live without the sequel much longer, does that mean Owain and Feo have been growing on you? *grins*

    1. Hahahaha, don't worry about Feo - he's fine other than the mentioned injury. Though, like I said, he could use a new sylph fruit. (By the bye, would you like me to send any of the latest of that story to you? I have about eleven readable chapters now.) As for Vance... *shrugs* c'est la vie...

      *sighs* Yes. Yes, I suppose it does. Although in my defense, they've been arguing a good bit less lately, so it's only their good behavior that's merited my favor. Plus my personal favorite character in the series won't come in until the second book.

    2. Oooh yes yes yes I want everything readable in the lovely thing!!!! (But c'est la vie?? That's all you can say for Vance?? meep!)

      Ah yes, well, that makes good sense...have I met your personal favorite as yet?

    3. Okay, cool - I shall send it promptly. (Hahahaha... You know, you really are the most fun reader to mess with, m'dear Megan... My apologies for doing so all the time...)

      Eh, possibly. I'm not sure. If you've read any ahead scenes, then it's entirely possible.


For my lovely readers who wish to comment... I enjoy the comments you all put up, and your feedback and critique are always welcome! My requirements for commenters are fairly simple and easy: I will delete any and all comments of a derogatory, spam, trolling, or obscene nature. All other comments, as long as they are civil, are quite welcome. If you want my specific guidelines, feel free to ask. :)